Thursday, November 17, 2011

Disney Disability - Evil (Peter Pan)

I have always been intrigued with media image of individuals with a disability, especially in Disney movies.  Much of  my focus in these blogs will be in reference to this very topic. Today will be in regards to Peter Pan - specifically, Captain Hook.  He is the movie's antagonist and it's no surprise a disability was added to create his image of evil.  Hook has a missing hand.  You see this all too often in media - a characteristic of evil associated with a disability.  Somehow adding a disability to an evil character makes them more evil. This brainwashes society to associate people with a disability and evil.  In reality, that is obviously not a legitimate comparison.  You see this connotation time and time again: Loveless from Wild, Wild West is in a wheelchair; Twoface from Batman has bad burns, Freddy Kreuger is scarred and burned.  It is unfortunate that disability and evil often goes hand in hand in film and it begins at an early age in moves such as Peter Pan.

1 comment:

  1. I like your posts! In my masters program we analyzed disney movies and pop culture for gender stereotypes; i never really thought about how people with disabilities were portrayed in these contexts. Definitely makes you think. I too feel strongly about the misuse of the word, "retard." I hear it often and try to teach students at my school why it is so hurtful and to be more understanding and accepting of everyone's differences. Thanks for posting! Great blog.
